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Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Can You See?

“Eyes that look are common but eyes that see are rare…” - Myles Munroe

            In the world, there are two basic types of people.  People who look at things and others who see.  Those who look are many while those who see ae few.  The story was told of two men who traveled to China for holidays one summer many years ago.  One of them noticed that a vast majority of people who were in a particular town were without shoes.  He simply remarked “wow! What poverty! My wife must surely be surprised that 90% of an entire city were walking bare footed!”  His companion looked beyond poverty and saw riches.  He made contact with shoe manufacturing companies back home and today, he runs a shoe manufacturing plants in China, producing shoes for these people who were walking barefooted years back.  He saw an opportunity to add value and earn money while his friend saw poverty and that was all.

Your Purpose Determines How You See

            In chapter one, I dealt in detail with the subject of purpose.  What you see is about vision and that is the crux of the subject I am dealing with in this book.

            The way we see our future is diverse from person to person based on our basic wiring in terms of purpose.  However, the general principle of vision applies to everyone who must live with that orientation, irrespective of the uniqueness of that person’s purpose.  Someone with a passion for great speaking that energizes and encourages people would want to picture a future of him standing in front of thousands of people listening to him.  A man with a desire to help others through what he writes will picture in his mind many books with his name on them as an author.

            If the concept of seeing a future of our dreams is that simplistic, everyone of us would have been great visionaries and life would have been a lot easier.  Many people with clear and glaring abilities do not seem to be able to lift themselves to visualize a future they want to feature in.  As such, as they desire a great future, they are stuck in the present with all its difficulties and obstacles.  They are kind of blinded by today’s issues as their future his unfertilized with ideas, concepts, and plans.

            I have said it in many places and to many people that vision is a conception in the imagination.  Standing alone, that definition is shaky.  It is the future of your life conceived in your mind based on known purpose.  Let us imagine I run a building contracting firm and have just been commissioned by an oil and gas company to build an estate for its staff members.  That becomes the purpose of my commissioning.  An estate will not pop out of the ground just because I was contracted to build it.  No estate has ever been built by mere wishful thinking.  I must sit down with a team of architects to put on paper a blueprint for the estate.

            The client company might have specified they needed 200 units of 3 bedroom apartments with detached boys quarters of 2 rooms, a restroom and kitchen.  The blueprint sketches out the details on paper showing the quantity of land required, the road-network inside the estate, the basic facilities like electricity and water and all he other infrastructure required in a typical estate.  The plan then moves to the stage of modeling.  At that stage, a clear picture emerges where a pictorial model is submitted for the layman to view.  In the model, it is always difficult to convince a layman that the estate does not yet exist.  Why?  The picture captures every single detail.  Cars parked in front of each apartment, people walking around, kids riding bicycles and the flowers standing in front of each house.  A picture of the estate is ready before any equipment moves on site!  The contractors and the client see the estate before the building process starts.  They conceive the estate in their imagination and put it to paper.

            It is true you are born to be a man who should provide leadership to others in life.  Have you sat down to figure out what area of life you may want to serve as a leader?  There are leaders in every field of human endeavour.  What kind of leader do you want to be?  What can you see? What you see is what you become.  You can never operate beyond your capacity to see.

            A whole lot of people see nothing.  They never sit down to look beyond the present.  They are too pre-occupied with today that they are stuck.  The future belongs to those with visions.

The Power to Imagine

            Imagination is one o God’s best gifts to the human being.  The ability to think forward and conceive in your mind’s eye what you want your future to look like.  Ignorantly, a lot of religious folks tell you to forget about tomorrow and that it belongs to God.  That sounds right as long as it is within the realms of not trying to worry about what you cannot control.  When you are overwhelmed with things that you can not handle by worry, hand it over to God in prayers and take your break (Matthew 6:25-34) but no where in God’s word were we discouraged from planning or preparing for the future.  As a matter of fact, the scriptures encourage us to practice vision orientation.

            Proverbs 16:1 talks about “the preparation of the heart …”, Mark 11:24 says “… whatever things you ask …”.  Whatever you ask is a desire and “the desires of the righteous shall be granted.”  Ignorance keeps people away from using God’s best to make their lives meaningful and result oriented.

            God’s blessings are available to those who want them and attract them through the principle of desire, asking and getting.  A desire is connected to purpose and when your heart yearns for it, your mind must go to work to create a picture of what you want and the process takes root towards actualization.  What can you see?

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